Today, we have been assigned a FREE TOPIC. This opens up so many opportunities....infinite possibilities, here! Yet out of all those possibilities, I am going to tell a little story.
It happens to be one of my favorite stories to tell, since it happened to me. (some people have heard it, but...I don't care)
Once upon a time, little Lauren was in fifth grade. She was a girl scout. And she absolutely hated girl scouts, but she loved to sing Christmas carols, So when the opportunity arrived to go sing with her troop at the nursing home, she was delighted. That is, until she got there. See, every girl scout was given a bouquet of roses. When they were finished singing, they were each supposed to pick an old lady and hand her a rose. Lauren was very indecisive at this age, so it was quite difficult to just pick one person to give a rose to. While she was deciding, everyone else had given their roses. Lauren was sad, until she saw one more little old lady sitting in the back with no rose. Lauren approached the lady, smiling. The old lady was...interesting. She had huge eyes and huge glasses, and a shrunken, wrinkly face. She looked nice though. Little Lauren held out her rose and said, "merry christmas!!" The old lady took the rose, stared at it reeealllllyy hard, then she did something. Something awful. That woman took the rose and shoved it into her MOUTH. SHE ATE THE ROSE. ATE IT!!!!!! in response, Lauren cried, and then she quit girl scouts. WORST day ever! The end.
god. this girl sounds like a wuss. what the eff.