Monday, February 8, 2010


Psshhh. Do I use technology? DO I? Um, let's think. What must Lauren be using to post this lovely blog? OH, yes, technology! In my life, I know that I rely heavily on technology daily...although I don't like to admit it. I use computers, cell phones, tv's, laptops, ipods, video games all the time. And when I try to imagine my life without some of those things, I immediately assume that it would be very difficult. But in truth, this is just because as Americans, we have become so reliant on our technological advances that we start making new things because the old thing was "too hard to use" or "not as advanced." But who says we need any of it at all? It seems so contradictory that we consider ourselves a strong nation, but take away our computers and microchip technology, and we'd be struck dumb. I admit to have fallen victim to this sweep of technological advances, but I will try not to give up completely. NO, I will turn up the volume on my ipod and send all of my facebook friends a text to let them know all about our "advancing" country! Yeah!

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