Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So. I have to choose one thing from the 21st century to put into a time capsule, eh? There are so many things that come to mind that I can't even think of one...too many choices. Now, I could say something totally cliche like a bunch of letters or...I don't know, myself. Which would be infinitely creepier, not so much cliche...huh. Anyways. In my time capsule I would put something that is generally more awesome- an ipod. Full of songs that have been popular throughout this century. And no, not the poppy god-awful rap stuff you hear in clubs. GOOD music that actually sends a message/gives a clue as to what our generation is all about. Plus how awesome would it be to get to listen to a 2010 ipod in 2100? It'll still work, but by then will be ancient and most likely replaced with something much more tech-y.
Reflection: these last few weeks have been....tough. The end of our UIL play, Ruby's story, the debate showcase, LOTS of projects and homework= stressed out Lauren. But it's not a problem, for just around the corner, approximately a month and a half away is...is... the end of school! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! For now I tough it out. because that's what I do. *sobs* just kidding.

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