Sunday, December 6, 2009

Genocide in Darfur

You know that feeling you have when you're home? You feel safe and happy and like you have everything you really need. But what if all of that was taken away from you? If you were left without a family, a house, and with a government that wants you dead. That is exactly how the people of Darfur, Sudan, are feeling right now. Every day in Darfur thousands are being killed by their very own government, in an act called genocide. And not just soldiers killing soldiers- it's soldiers and assassins killing innocent citizens. Men, women, and children, regardless of age or sex. And the worst part of all this, in my opinion, is that the European countries and the U.S. are not doing anything to stop it.

After the Holocaust, the world promised that genocide would occur "never again." But clearly, that was a lie. Maybe the US is just denying it. Maybe they're unsure of the situation. But I don't think that's the case at all. I think that we're just trying really hard to forget that they're dying while we live in bliss. We tell ourselves that it's not in our nation's "best interest." But what about Darfur's best interest? Just because something is logical or for our best interest does not justify it as being right. And isn't that what America is about? Making choices for the good of all that are RIGHT. Not always for our own benefit!

I believe that the U.S. could do something. I know it's nearly impossible to actually go in and just save Darfur, but if we as citizens could at least speak up, then that would be something. Philippe Gaillard once said, "If you don't speak out clearly, then you are participating in the genocide." This is definitely true. Even if you know you're incapable of doing something, if you at least say something, maybe your words can reach somebody else who actually CAN do something.