Saturday, April 24, 2010 a problem.

In recent years overpopulation has become a more prominent issue worldwide. Especially in third-world countries, where there are generally not as many resources available to the entire population. So what we need to do is find a way to educate people about the consequences of overpopulation and find some effective solutions to the issue. I think we could solve this problem in several ways, such as how they did in China- limiting the number of children a couple could have to one- but though this is effective, it's limiting their free rights as people. (not that they have's communist China...) No, I feel that to solve this problem government officials should not interfere, but that it should be taken into the hands of charities and non-profit organizations. They can start up education programs regarding consequences and potential dangers of overpopulation. And yes, perhaps in some densely populated areas, such as central Asia, something similar to the one child incentive is needed. But what honestly should happen is this: people from other (not overpopulated) countries should step in and take all of the orphans and abandoned children. There are soooo many young couples who want a baby but can't have I don't see why they don't go to places that have population issues. They get what they want-a baby- and they give that country one less child on the streets to worry about.

Reflection- Well. This past week has beeen....interesting. Glad its over. So done with school!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010


So. I have to choose one thing from the 21st century to put into a time capsule, eh? There are so many things that come to mind that I can't even think of one...too many choices. Now, I could say something totally cliche like a bunch of letters or...I don't know, myself. Which would be infinitely creepier, not so much cliche...huh. Anyways. In my time capsule I would put something that is generally more awesome- an ipod. Full of songs that have been popular throughout this century. And no, not the poppy god-awful rap stuff you hear in clubs. GOOD music that actually sends a message/gives a clue as to what our generation is all about. Plus how awesome would it be to get to listen to a 2010 ipod in 2100? It'll still work, but by then will be ancient and most likely replaced with something much more tech-y.
Reflection: these last few weeks have been....tough. The end of our UIL play, Ruby's story, the debate showcase, LOTS of projects and homework= stressed out Lauren. But it's not a problem, for just around the corner, approximately a month and a half away the end of school! yeeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhh! For now I tough it out. because that's what I do. *sobs* just kidding.