Sunday, May 9, 2010 the world...should I go?

Well well well well well...well well. Looks like it's time for OUR LAST BLOG. Thank god. Now, the only question I need to answer is this: Out of all the regions and places we've studied throughout this marvelous year, where do I want to go?
I would personally like to go to Africa. Then perhaps the Pacific Islands. African culture is just so much more diverse, and of course, they need as much help as they can get over there, so I would be ecstatic to do my part. In the future I hope to join the Peace Corps and be deployed to different countries helping those in need, mostly in Africa! And the Pacific Islands are just so beautiful, especially the remote, almost untouched ones. With all the blue water and white beaches and sun...I guess you could call them, almost MAGICAL. So yes. That's all.

You know what else is magical? The end of the school year. Because at this point I'm just done, and I think everyone agrees with me. I feel that learning has become a pointless effort, and I'm just ready to take my finals and get. the hell. out of here. Freshman year has been great fun, I assure you. But frankly, I'm tired of having the title of "freshman" or "fish". It'll all be different next year, when we're....get ready....sophomores. But before I start to even consider that, I will just say- these blogs have definitely been entertaining, but having to keep up with their due dates has been somewhat of a hassle. It'd be cool if doing a blog counted for extra credit, as opposed to an actual grade, you know? Well, I'm out. So long, geography blog, you've been my constant companion these past months, and we've had some good times.....No, I'm entirely kidding, these have been awful. BYE!

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